Deadline March 18! Please send the following letter or similar to Gavin Newsom.

Gavin Newsom, President CSU Board of Trustees
Elvyra F. San Juan, Asst. Vice Chancellor
Timothy P. White, Chancellor
California State University
401 Golden Shore
Long Beach, CA 90802

Dear Governor Newsom, Ms. San Juan and Mr. White,

There are appropriate sites for a CSU Placer Campus in Placer County. However, the West Placer grasslands (aka Placer Ranch), is not one of them. This high quality, rare vernal pool habitat sequesters carbon and houses burrowing owls and 12 other listed endangered species. CSUs should not be built on rare habitat, and in this case, should not justify 6,300+ acres of urban sprawl on high quality grasslands. On March 25th, say NO THANKS to sprawl developers. To see a better development strategy, visit page 28 and 38 of the citizen-initiated smart growth plan for the West Placer grasslands: Sincerely,