Topical Workshop: Using Nature-Based Solutions to Advance Equity

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California Natural Resources Agency


Jun 15 2021


3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Event Description

Scheduled for June 15 from 3 to 6 p.m., this workshop will explore opportunities for the State to promote equity and access through its conservation and climate smart land strategies.

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The panelists and the public participants are asked to address the following questions:

1. How has historic land use and land management practices, both urban and rural including conservation efforts, impacted equity in California?
2. How can our 30×30 goal and commitment to natural climate solutions contribute to increased equity in California?
a. Protect communities particularly vulnerable to climate change (flooding, heat islands).
b. Increase access to nature.
c. Create, transform, and expand economic development models through natural climate solutions (high road jobs).
d. Improve public health (air & water quality).
e. Other.
3. What equity measures indicate high conservation and restoration opportunities?

a. Areas with low access.
b. Proximity to under-resourced communities.
c. Other.
3. Are there opportunities for the State to drive increased equity through climate smart land management policies/programs/regulations/incentives/etc.?
4. Can you point to any successful programs, policies, or initiatives? What lessons can we learn from their success? What do they need to scale for broader implementation?
5. How would you:

·       Propose the State characterize priority populations as we accelerate our approach to conservation and climate-smart land management? What datasets should we use to identify vulnerable communities in the CA Nature GIS system?

·       Define Key Equity Performance Indicators to track and measure success?

The Using Nature-Based Solutions to Advance Equity panel features the following members:

• Guillermo Rodriguez (Moderator), California State Director, The Trust for Public Land
• Sandra Celedon, President and CEO, Fresno Building Healthy Communities
• Dr. Beth Rose Middleton Manning, Professor and Chair, Department of Native American Studies, University of California, Davis
• Alvaro S. Sanchez, Vice President of Policy, The Greenlining Institute
• Dr. Chris Schell, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California Berkeley
• Marie Walker, Chief Operating Officer, The Corps Network

Additional information about the workshops, topics and panel members will be made available

More Info

The California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) will launch a series of virtual topical workshops focused on the State’s commitment to conserve 30 percent of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030 (30×30) and enlist California’s vast network of natural and working lands in the fight against climate change.

The first two workshops will focus on opportunities to deliver on climate change goals (June 8) and to advance equity (June 15). Workshops will feature an advisory panel presentation by followed by a public comment opportunity. Future workshop topics will include biodiversity and conservation of lands and coastal waters.

In 2020, California committed to protecting 30 percent of its land and coastal waters by 2030 through Governor Newsom’s executive order. To inform this effort, CNRA is developing a “Pathways to 30×30” document to identify strategies to achieve 30×30. The executive order also called for CNRA to develop a Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy intended to guide long-term climate action on California’s lands.

“California has set an ambitious goal to protect 30 percent of California lands and coastal waters by 2030 and advance nature-based solutions to address climate change, equity and species loss. We can only achieve this by holistically examining the depth and breadth of these issues with input from a variety of stakeholders,” said California Secretary for Natural Resources Wade Crowfoot. “These conversations will be foundational to informing our strategic vision.”

Advisory panels will present insights and recommendations in a summary report that will be posted and shared publicly in advance of relevant workshops

Public participation is key to these workshops, and participants will have an opportunity to share their perspectives and insights on the topic. Key takeaways related to each topic will inform the Pathways to 30×30 and Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy.

All meetings are open to the public and will be accessible by Zoom, a phone dial-in option, and YouTube livestream. Advance registration is required and participants who wish to make a 90-second public comment will need to register to provide verbal input during the public comment session.


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