Stronger Together.

Join the Org Alliance

Why Align

AEL is a coalition of many small grassroots organizations. These groups are working together because we believe that small groups of committed individuals can bring about change in society. In 2018, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania conducted a creative experiment to test the hypotheses that small groups of committed individuals can bring about change in society. The experiment found that a committed minority was able to repeatedly bring about change in the views of the majority once it reached 25-30% – the tipping point of the overall group. If the percentage were smaller, the minority could not reach critical mass.

This is affirming for AEL as we grow our community of aligned organizations.  Our work is to change views and more importantly, to excite citizen participation in local governance. At the local level decisions directly impact us and our environment. At the local level we can create the quality of life we desire for our loved ones and our community.

We believe that Smart Growth is a the transcendent concept that encompasses all our aligned organizations’ interests- be it climate action, habitat conservation, housing justice or transit. What are some environmental benefits of Smart Growth strategies? Development guided by Smart Growth principles can minimize air and water pollution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, encourage cleanup and reuse of contaminated properties, and preserve natural lands.  With Smart Growth, the needs of everyone in the community are met and people feel safe, healthy and ultimately happy. Our environment is appreciated, protected and enhanced and damage to the environment is minimized. Our economy is vibrant, employment and housing opportunities are improved and our working lives are more rewarding.

Additional Benefits

In 2020, we are committed to connecting and strengthening the environmental community. One of our new initiatives is the Enviro Events community calendar, where aligned organizations can share their events with the ease of cutting edge technology. We are also developing the Enviro Events Blast, a monthly events newsletter where together we can reach more readers.

Stay tuned for our new additional benefits list!


If you would like to join the alliance, please reach out to our Chair. We have a simple interview process to get to know each other and make sure we can be of benefit to you. We love welcoming new groups! If you are an individual, become a member by attending our meetings.

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Enviro Events Blast!

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We advocate for smart growth and protect natural ecosystems in Placer and Nevada Counties.
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When you donate to the AEL, you enable our positive and inclusive consensus-building projects to grow in scope and depth. 

To see what we are currently fundraising for, and to learn how to donate, click the button below.

© Copyright 2020 Alliance for Environmental Leadership, Designed by Genevieve Marsh