We are Stronger Together
We invite like-minded organizations and citizens to join AEL to defend natural ecosystems, organize for civic action and advocate for Smart Growth because it serves all our community members and protects the environment that sustains us.
Please email chair@enviroallance.com for partnership and volunteer opportunities.
Our Alliance includes the following partners:

We preserve the wild, scenic and cultural heritage within the watershed of the North Fork American River.

Dedicated to exploring, educating, researching and writing about the diversity and beauty of our native flora.

We mobilize citizens to defend rural and agricultural lands in Placer County.

Clover Valley Foundation
Saving Clover Valley’s unique historic, prehistoric and critical natural resources for future generations.

Protecting habitat by educating humanity about the variety and beauty of our native avian species and the natural environment.

A community-based association dedicated to preserving and protecting the unique, rural lifestyle of Granite Bay, California.

SARSAS (Save Auburn Ravine Salmon and Steelhead) Inc.
Returning salmon and steelhead to the entire length of the Auburn Ravine.

Protecting American River Canyons through conservation, recreation, and education.

Climate Action Now
Help Stop Global Warming. Protect the earth. For now, and for future generations.
To our major donors who have supported our special projects: Thank you!