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Green steps forward for Imagine Auburn & Upcoming Workshop Series

Dear Friends,

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the Imagine Auburn Survey. Green values made it to the forefront of the survey results! Here’s the vision statement that sums it up in a one-liner:

“A more self-sustaining Auburn, where citizens feel connected to nature, historic charm, and each other.”

The next step in this project is to dive deeper into what that kind of future looks like for Auburn’s Commerical Core and how to bring it to fruition. The Imagine Auburn team, including our AEL friends Genevieve, Mike, and Mariana, will be hosting a workshop series to do just that, titled ‘explore, create and envision’. Knowing them, it’s bound to be a fun, colorful, and delicious series. If you can, try to attend all three!

Here are the details:

Learn More at this link.

Explore – Workshop 1

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