Stronger Together.

Call to Action

We’re Collecting Maps of the Auburn Area

Hello friends!

We are collecting maps. Do you have one to share?

How often have we said to each other, “We wish a construction project knew about the beauty, ecology, and history of a place. If only they knew, and cared, maybe something could be saved, incorporated, maybe even celebrated.”

This is your opportunity to act on that sentiment. In collaboration with the Sustainability Advisory Committee of Auburn, we are increasing access to maps that could inform sustainable projects and sustainable decision-making in the Auburn area. 

Submit maps here

Why is this important?

When a decision-maker or designer has access to nuanced and accurate local knowledge, it makes their project place come alive. Only when this knowledge is added to their project maps, can it carry through the process and shine forth in the final proposed vision. A good decision-maker or designer will make an effort and search online for informative maps at the beginning of a project. However, accessing quality maps can be difficult, and in the case of Auburn, CA, where the City has not digitized its resources, almost impossible and certainly unfeasible. We are breaking ground on this problem.

Here’s the plan

We will digitally recreate select maps in GIS format to post publicly on Web GIS and Esri’s Massive Global Library of Content. This makes them accessible to the public, including data scientists in the environmental sciences, urban planners/architects, and government jurisdictions. On this platform, users can overlap various ‘maps’ and analyze the interrelationships. A digital interactive GIS portal on the City of Auburn’s Website will create direct access to this library for the public. All submittals will also be scanned and uploaded to AEL’s Resource Library (we have 50 maps so far!). 

Here’s what you can do

  1. Submit maps! Submit a map here. We accept all formats- scanned pdfs, physical maps (yes, we can return them), GIS formatted data sets, and links to online interactive maps. 
  2. Please send this email to your friends who have ‘buried treasure’ stashed away. This is an opportunity to save it from the sands of time.

What kind of documents would be useful?

Any kind of map-based information that is located within the City of Auburn and the surrounding area, including ASRA and abutting Placer County territory. We are starting from ground zero. Surprise us. 

What’s the deadline?

To be digitized for GIS through this current project, submittals must be received by July 1st. We will continue to receive submissions after July 1st and include them in AEL Resources Library. We may digitize more maps for GIS in the future. 

Thank you,

Genevieve Marsh

AEL, Chair

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© Copyright 2020 Alliance for Environmental Leadership, Designed by Genevieve Marsh