Please join in the Virtual Community Meeting tomorrow, April 5 at 6:00 pm to voice your opposition to the Winery Buildings Height Limit Exception ZTA.
Zoom web link:
****Don’t forget to also take a moment to email your comments to the Placer County Planning Commissioners prior to their April 27th Project 8 Winery meeting. Email:
Topic: Height Limit Exceptions…… a structure for a winery, tasting room, or accessory use-restaurant under this section may exceed the prescribed height limit for the applicable zone if the additional
height is authorized through a conditional use permit (CUP) process that includes an analysis of visual impacts including photo simulations.
April 5, 2023, Wednesday
Zoning Text Amendment to exempt Project 8 Winery from County Height Restrictions. 6:00 PM via Zoom only.
Email comments to
Thank you for your efforts to preserve our rural community.
With Gratitude,
Patty Neifer
Preserve Penryn
916 934-9050
Note: You are receiving this email because you asked to be added to the list of people concerned about the proposed Project 8 Winery in rural Penryn off Callison Road.